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> Scouted olskoo
> Ninjamuffin99's 100,000th follower
> Rickrolled the Lock Legion
> First Portal Submission of 2021
> Slayed Foamy the Squirrel and bathed in his blood

Prepare for trouble And make it double @AnonymousFrogClock

‘Demon Clock’

Clocktopia 874-M

Joined on 11/30/20

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Dammit Doobus-Goobus: J00 ruined mai europen0r vactation

Posted by AnonymousFrogClock - September 7th, 2021

Hello @Doobus-Goobus

I'm writing this bcause j00r st00pid m00vie 'aic attern3 4 p33pl who havent played it' got teh Daily Feature on teh Europen0r Piconjo Day (ie. when teh day comes b4 teh month on teh date). On behalf of teh NMDC, I am writing this bcause j00 r taking away teh daily awards from someone who genuinely put in teh hard work of actually animating.

It also doesn't help that j00 respond 2 people who vote poorly, such as this.


Just because j00 didn't advertise j00r Newgrounds upload, didn't mean it was automatically upvoted. j00 have over 7,000 followers on Newgrounds. Even a fraction of that is enough 2 tip teh votes in j00r favour and outnumber actual criticism.

All this could be resolved. Opt out of awards. J00 can get to keep j00r thousands of fans and their high scores and reviews, and teh actual talent can enjoy their awards. You got that? And maybe put up a PSA to tell j00r fans to vote responsibly.


Anonymous Frog:




no lol

@Doobus-Goobus If you opt out, we will stop zerobombing your videos.

lmao doobus goobus
such an Anti-Wario Pill worshipper
go back to your soup kitchen
i require a cheese grater


nah that phoenix wright shit was pretty funny, no bias, i've never seen their FNF parodies

@BrandyBuizel The FNF stuff is even funnier in my eyes, especially the one with the funny bottom-heavy guy.

@Anonymous-Frog If you have 7000+ followers, reviews and likes probably don't even matter that much anymore. In fact, getting review-bombed by jealous people who would probably be more popular if they spent more time creating/posting than going after strangers on the Internet is probably the surest sign that you're Internet-famous.

Either way, likes, comments and reviews don't pay the bills, so unless every single one of Doobus-Goobus's followers are at least giving him a Ko-fi tip every time they watch and re-watch his videos (I'm not one of them), this whole controversy is a sad and pathetic commentary on how Internet addicts waste so much energy over a meaningless Internet popularity contest. Imagine what a better place this world would be if we at least directed that anger at actual life-ruining or life-ending injustices irl.

@thomasisnthere First of all, Doobus Goobus is hardly the first time I've followed the work of an "artist" whose drawing skills are a bit lacking but I find their writing to be hilarious. Early South Park, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Pearls Before Swine (the comic strip) immediately come to mind.

Second, do review scores on Newgrounds even really matter? Like, at all? By your logic, my animations (which are usually animated over the course of 3 months at 24-30 FPS, on ones, often traditionally or on a wide variety of complex CG software) deserves better reviews than Doobus-Goobus' stuff, and yet I have never gotten 3.2 stars let alone 4.4 stars from the Movie Portal. It certainly isn't an objective arbiter of quality.

Doobus Goobus is a asshole I thought he was cool

THAT'S ME!!!!!!!

i legit hate the post and the review, like for the review, it doesn't really get to why this animation deserves 0 stars out of 5, like yeah, Piconjo Day, but it's not like it's mandatory and not to mention, not everyone cares about it (I somewhat apologize because I do know Joey, but I don't take his side.), and also the fact the review assumes you're malicious about it (Except it's literally a Ace Attorney movie and it has it's proper tags.). And the post itself, who the hell cares if someone gives me a negative review? Maybe the YouTube commentary community does, but should a creator focus on a negative review that is low quality as it's best? Should literally anyone care about this post who could've made by Sal Manella, considering how the post it's structured?