UPDATE: I originally said that he lied about this being his 1 year anniversary, but the truth is that he did acknowledge that he made older videos in this YouTube post, but didn't on Twitter because he couldn't be arsed to split it into two.
@Doobus-Goobus actually started making cartoons in 2016, but he privated everything up until his 'Deal you Can't Refuse' video. I have managed to preserve three of them so that people can watch them again. He made a few more of these, but they've been lost to time.
Why I'll never be a voice actor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvQsQRarN3E
WHAT IS A DIPTHONG?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN6ySctOyiI
I don't like making these videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqh0lypRhR8
Don't believe me? This Wayback Machine capture shows videos that no longer exist
Happy NMDC Day! from Anonymous-Frog
PS: I may have borrowed the last one to make this animation
Dead to Goobus, long live to the AnonymousFrogClock