List of useless accomplishments
> Scouted olskoo
> Ninjamuffin99's 100,000th follower
> Rickrolled the Lock Legion
> First Portal Submission of 2021
> Slayed Foamy the Squirrel and bathed in his blood

Prepare for trouble And make it double @AnonymousFrogClock

‘Demon Clock’

Clocktopia 874-M

Joined on 11/30/20

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Exposing Recorped/ShrimpClock (I don't trust him anymore)

Posted by AnonymousFrogClock - January 29th, 2024

TW: There is no mention of gore, grooming, to worry about*

*None of this is true

DISCLAIMER: This doc contains previously private messages between me (Anonymous-Frog) and Recorped, dating to 2023. I share these not to try and incite harassment, but to inform the NG community about the type of person he is. Keep the comments civil please!


I really don't want to make this post, but as of right now, I have officially cut ties with the user Recorped, who has for the past 2 years bugged my Discord DMs with stupid shit. It turns out that he has a history of sending people gore, slurs such as the N and F words, spamming, etc, whenever they're doing something disgusting themselves (ie. being a pedo or an asshole).

When talking about some of the worse ones, he claims to have changed and it was all in the past, only to fall back to old habits and do something equally shitty. I have warned him several times that this type of behaviour is wrong and that he shouldn't be doing it to anyone, regardless of their own wrongdoings, yet he still does them, or otherwise does something else that's edgy or offensive.

Most recently, on January 22nd, he sent gore to a pedo that he says was grooming his friend. As much as the latter part is disgusting, so was his actions (to a lesser extent), Prior to this incident, I had tried to help him stop doing it, but afterwards, I realized he was a lost cause, so now I'm publicly calling him out on it.

Jan 22nd 2024: 5:05 AM AEST: The incident that started it all:

These messages span two accounts, while a third was seen in a Clock Crew discord.

  • His original account: ded acc | hugepixels
  • A second account: ded acc 2 (formerly ShrimpOnAStick) | recorpedart
  • A third account: spilledorange | orangejuicey_


The aftermath (not long after): I captured this screenshot


Literally 1 day prior to the incident, I had him promise to "not fuck around with gore and shit, etc. to attack perpetrators", which did not stick.


For context, he was planning to troll and send "shooting videos and gore" to "Lovenola", a random girl making death threats in a server he was in.


And now, some moments leading up to this point

He knows this type of behavior is something that'll get him cancelled down the line.


Case in point: Sep 29th 2023, he says that he's "not the lowest level who things gore is good shit", and that he's "somewhat of a good/normal person". By that logic, Adolf Hitler was a good man because he's polite in front of his German officers.


July 25th 2023. He explicitly states "people who post gore often turn out to be assholes". How ironic!

For context, he's been joining various femboy servers, many of them do or have done disgusting things (such as requesting thigh pics from minors, he himself fell victim to this).

These are the types of people he hangs with or used to hang with.


As of today, he's been banned from both the Power Star Reanimated collab (I'm part of the admin team, we discussed this extensively), as well as the OneyPlays Sonic Shorts collab (courtesy of @BastardfromBrooklyn).

To end this post: please do not invite him to your own collab. Don't join any of his collabs especially the Johnny Rocketfingers collab. Not after you've seen this.

UPDATE: (He responsed:)

Original version is now gone)


* He now admits, 2 days after this post, and 10 days after the incident, that sending gore to those two was a bad idea. In the 10 days since and up until recently, he was sperging out against me on Discord and later demanding my post be removed.

* He admits that it's wrong to use slurs, even though he is black + bisexual.

* He mentions doing ERP a year ago, which he since knows is dangerous for minors. I did not plan to cover this.

* I made BLM jokes (which were NOT in my PMs.)

None of this is "debunked", he's just giving more proof that he's irresponsible and tends to make or plan stupid decisions online, only to regret them later. It's pretty much a repeating cycle with no sign of ending.

He also did not mention anything related to Goatse or Tom Pearl, both of which he's also used on various Discord servers or groomers around mid 2023 as well. Can't be arsed to dig up the screenshots RN, but I assume he regrets those too.




Big social media platforms = ineffective moderation = low trust in moderation and general mob rule = eye for an eye mentality. This guy is both symptom and carrier of a huge global problem. Thankfully we have NG, where actions do in fact have consequences.

That's a good way of describing the situation.

And This Kiddies Is Why I Dislike Discord

I didn’t communicate so well with him, but after what I read I broke off all circles of communication with him

lucky there's a family guy
lucky there's a man who
positively can do
all things that make us
laugh and CRY

Discord account of an 10 year old

His response post: https://recorped.newgrounds.com/news/post/1419987

TL;DR (since he used headers to make the text bigger, which is hard to take seriously):
* He now admits, 2 days after this post, and 10 days after the incident, that sending gore to those two was a bad idea. In the 10 days since and up until recently, he was sperging out against me on Discord and later demanding my post be removed.
* He admits that it's wrong to use slurs, even though he is black + bisexual.
* He mentions doing ERP a year ago, which he since knows is dangerous for minors. I did not plan to cover this.
* I made BLM jokes (which were NOT in my PMs.)

None of this is "debunked", he's just giving more proof that he's irresponsible and tends to make or plan stupid decisions online, only to regret them later. It's pretty much a repeating cycle with no sign of ending.

He also did not mention anything related to Goatse or Tom Pearl, both of which he's also used on various Discord servers or groomers around mid 2023 as well. Can't be arsed to dig up the screenshots RN, but I assume he regrets those too.

got damn, we have so much in common, anon frog! I didn't know you also liked bullying kids!

Anonfrog's the Newgrounds version of a Train Adult, dude has to make a documentary about a child because the child is an opinion basher. ...And I doubt anyone gets what the hell is an "opinion basher" let alone a "Train Adult". Remind me why was it needed to make a document to just tell people not to invite this child into collabs and not just talk to the collab host/hostess about it? I get the spirit of it, but I doubt making a whole ass documentary is exactly necessary for that goal. At least when you talk it out, it removes the stink from just doing a documentary about it.

I find ironic he said people were "free to leave his collab and hate him" yet he's calling this all a "drama" for being called out.

Bro wtfffffff. Some people are real head cases. I would start to think the scenarios he's talking about why he's harassing people are fake. Came here from the Tank Tribune to see this and totally agree with you -- we shouldn't be sending anyone this person's way, at least anyone who isn't going to tell him that shit ain't cool and report the behavior if it continues.

It's giving "we live in a society" type dystopia and I'm shocked you had so much patience with bro.

@AnonymousFrogClock So basically he has always been an attention whore.

I think they have a clinical term for that. Histrionic personality. Characterized by doing literally anything to stay center of attention, neurotic reactions to criticism, and really poor decision-making with zero foresight of what could possibly go wrong in any given situation, or full knowing what will probably go wrong but doing x y z anyway.

I feel like that's the bigger picture.