How does it feel to have a higher score than Foamy the Squirrel for once?
How does it feel to have a higher score than Foamy the Squirrel for once?
Score: 5
Sure it's an original concept, you created the characters used in it that is, but it still feels pretty bland and quickly made. Please pace yourself.
> There's only 3 heads or mouths used, one with mouth shut, one "aah" mouth, and one "ooh", without any inbetweens, and maybe a few more for custom expressions, and that's about it.
> For the most part, no other parts of the body move.
For example, in the first 14 seconds, Sophie's body (not head) only have two unique frames, and that's just to change the arms.
> Characters are never seen moving their whole bodies, only Sophie's neck
> There are two backgrounds, which is very rare and never seen before, but they're both very crude (notably in the bushes). Background 1's got some very large stars and Background 2 has the sign's outline pass through the house. (and also the door's very wonky.
> The big elephant in the room, the cinematography. For the most part, the camera always stays on the two characters and never focuses on one. That's basic 101 stuff!
Hopefully you'll improve in these areas and eventually post here spam-free!
Until next time Mr. Leech!
Graphics: 3 | Sound: 7 | Cinematography: 0 | Writing: 6 Style: 6 | Humor: 5
Had to use an alt for this one.
One of the contributors blocked me over some low scoring reviews.
The collab itself has a score of 3.69/5 and no awards, which is unusually low for a collab of this scale with over 100 creators. This feat alone is enough for me to give some stars, but the scenes themselves were mostly low-quality.
To give some comparison with a different collab, The Spongebob Rehydrated Collab was posted here a month earlier and had over 400 animators spent years completely redoing the Spongebob movie, and both parts have a score of 4.8/5 and are now in the Top 50.
The reason: All of the parts were good, or I assume so, since I didn't watch the entire thing. There might've been a few that were mediocre at worst.
= UPDATE = | After someone pointed out some SBRehydrated scenes were 'shitty' and I started watching more scenes, this info is out of date. They weren't all good, but there are more good movies to bad movies
A collab on the same scale as BSI:R should've easily surpassed 4 stars, but scenes animated with Roblox, low effort 'comic book style' drawings, live action, SMG4-esque machinimas, PNGs tweening around like I used to do in my first year of 'animation', and scenes done in 3D Movie Maker (which the original was already made with) end up getting accepted a whole lot more and let's just say it don't make Newgrounds happy, and the score starts to drop.
I'm not knockin' on Vinesauce Joel or the original BSI, which were great on YouTube. It's just that a good portion of the parts in the Reloaded collab weren't exactly NG friendly. However, there are some good bits to this collab. The audio in the original BSI was compressed by 3DMM, whereas here, a higher quality version of the audio is used. Also, some parts, such as two that TMNTSan did, were animated pretty well. Their part "Death by Shovel" has a higher score than the entire collab itself, which says something!
The scene in 14:44 where Luigi is flushed down a toilet is also really good as well. I thought that was the best one.
Waltman13's also deserve an honorable mention. They were good too, albeit with some help with scene 123 (which looks like it uses the Powerpuff Girls artstyle).
All in all, great collab, but not really Newgrounds material. but I didn't really watch the original or this version from beginning to end. I really don't have the time.
Glad you liked my parts.
Also, sorry the collab is not to your liking. I guess shitpost-esque animation doesn't exactly have much of a place in Newgrounds, even when it's deliberate.
Oh well...
The Spongebob movie Rehydrated has plenty of "shitty" scenes. Please do not compare the two projects if you haven't even seen both of them fully.
One is a reanimation of one of the most popular animated films of all time, the other is a reanimation of a literal shitpost.
Glad to see SteakClock finally getting his shit together. Those 69 frames really did something to him.
If the sexiest person has really weird body proportions, then what the hell am I doing with my life?
Want some juice?
List of useless accomplishments
> Scouted olskoo
> Ninjamuffin99's 100,000th follower
> Rickrolled the Lock Legion
> First Portal Submission of 2021
> Slayed Foamy the Squirrel and bathed in his blood
‘Demon Clock’
Clocktopia 874-M
Joined on 11/30/20